1900 Storm at Galveston, Texas
Saturday, September 8th, 1900Submitted by Betty Hendricks Dunquez
Several years ago, I was given this list of some of the people who perished during the 1900 Storm. I do not know who compiled the list, it was typed on an old manual typewriter, and I am sure it was within days of the time of the Storm. This list is by no means complete, but it has a lot of information that I thought was interesting. I have tried to reproduce the information as it was written. The only change I made was moving some of the names that were added out of order at the end of the lists, and inserted them in the list. This list is not alphabetical, so please search the complete list, some names are out of order, and I did not change that from the original. For information on a more complete list of the 1900 Storm, go to https://www.galvestonhistorycenter.org/digitized-collections/1900-torm-victim-database.
Note that there are 2,174 lines in this list and most lines contain information on more than one person. The list contains people from the mainland as well as on the island.
- A -
ABERHART, T., and wife
ACKERMANN, Herman, wife and daughter

ADAMEIT, Mrs. Gottlieb, and seven children
ADAMS, Mr. and Mrs. Toby (colored)
ADAMS, Bennie and Jessie
ADAMS, Mrs. Mary (colored)
ADASCHECK, Mrs. Powell, and four children, 2810 R.
AGIN, George and child
AGUILO, Joe B., chairman of the democratic county executive committee, and three children, Frances, Rodney and Joe, Jr.
AHEY, Mrs. John, and three children
AKERS, C. B., wife and three children
ALBERTSON, A. wife and two children
ALEANO, Mrs. and two children, Tony and Mary
ALBERTO, F. L. longshoreman
ALBERTSON, M., wife and daughter
ALDERICE, Robert, Broadway and Forty-sixth street
ALEXANDER, Annie and Christian, children of Thomas
ALLARDYCE, Mrs. R. L. and three children. Mr. Allardyce is alive in Beaumont
ALLEN, W. R., wife, daughter and one son
ALLEN, Mrs. Kate
ALLEN, Mrs. Alex and five children (colored)
ALLEN, Claude, Kinkead addition
ALLEN, Herbert, Kinkead addition
ALLEN, Lucy, Kinkead addition
ALLEN, Daisy
ALLEN, Cornelia
ALLEN, Clarence
ALLEN, Ebenezer
ALLEN, E. B. and wife
ALLEN, Sereva
ALLEN, William, wife and three children, Fifty-eighth and Q 1/2
ALLISON, S. B., family of nine, Thirty-fifth and S 1/2
ALPHONSE, John, wife and family
AMES, Mrs. Minnie, and two children
AMMUNDSEN, Emil, wife and child, Lucas Terrace.
AMUNDSEN, Mrs. Anna Marie, mother of Deputy Chief of Police Gus Amundsen
ANDERSON, Amanda (colored)
ANDERSON, Mrs. Dora, and child
ANDERSON, C., Anderson Ways, Bay Shore
ANDERSON, Mrs. Carl, and four children, stock yards
ANDERSON, Mrs. Sam (colored)
ANDERSON, Nick, and two sons
ANDERSON, L., and wife, Seventeenth and C
ANDERSON, Oscar, wife and child
ANDERSON, Andrew, wife and two children
ANDERSON, Mrs. Mattle
ANDERSON, Mrs. C. L., and children
ANDERSON, J. W., wife and three children
ANDERSON, Edward, longshoreman
ANDERSON, Ned, wife and two children
ANDERSON, Ella, Heard's Lane, shell road
ANDREW, Mrs. A., and family
ANDREWS, Mrs. and three children, Joe and Rowe, fireman at city water works
ANDREWS, Mrs., on the Hisser place, bay shore
ANDRO, Mrs., and three children
ANITA, Opitz
ANIZAN, Mrs. Frank, and two children, Lamarque, Texas
ANTONOVICH, Pinkie, John and grandma
ARDISON, Jack, wife and nine children
ARMITAGE, Miss Vivian
ARMOUR, Mrs. and five children
ARMSTRONG, Mrs. Dora, wife of C. F. and four children
ASH, George, Sr.
ASH, George, Jr.
ASHLEY, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
ASTHEIMER, Betty, Henrietta, Philip and Frank
ATAWAY, Fred and family, N. between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth
AUGUSTINE, Pasquell, and wife
AHLL, George, wife and four children
AULL, Joe, wife and two children
AULL, Nic, wife and six children
APLIN, George and wife (colored), L and Eleventh
AZTEANZA, Capt. Sylvester de.
- B -
BADGER, Otto, N. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
BAILEY, George, wife and three children
BAKER, Florence (colored)
BAKER, Mrs. and three children (colored)
BALDWIN, Sallie (colored)
BALLIMANN, Gussie, 3602 Q 1/2
BALLIMANN, Irene 3602 Q 1/2
BALLIMANN, John 3602 Q 1/2
BANKERS, Mrs. Charles
BARDEN, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
BARNES, Mrs. Louise M., widow of Wm. Barnes, 2003 Tremont street
BANNEVAL, Mrs. Antone and two children
BARRY, Mrs. M. E., Miss M. E., Miss V., James, D., E., L. and H.
BARNEFSKY, family of eight, Sydnor's bayou
BASTOR, Mrs. Clara
BASS, John, wife and four children (colored)
BATCHELOR, Frank, wife and four children, Bennie, Roy, Lawrence and Harris, lived at Forty-first and S 1/2
BATZE, Otto, Fifteenth and M
BATTESTE, Horace, aged 50, Lucas Terrace
BAUNLOT, V. C., Eighth, between Broadway and K.
BAUSENS, wife of C. J.
BAUTSCH, Willie, wife and two children
BAXTER, Mrs., and child, lost in Magnas store
BAXTER, Mrs. George, and two children
BEDFORD, Cushman (colored)
BECKER, Mrs. John F., and two children
BEECKMAN, Edward T., Miss Louise daughter of
BELCHER, Mrs. Owen, three children of: Mrs. Belcher was saved
BELL, Clarence and mother
BELL, Mrs. Dudley, wife of a News compositor, and child
BELL, George, wife and four children
BELL, Miss Nattie
BELL, Henry (colored)
BELLEW, Mr. and Mrs. J and daughter 818 L
BENN, Mrs. Annie, and two children
BENSON, Mrs., Seventeenth and O 1/2
BENSON, Mrs. Amanda (colored)
BENSON, Andrew, longshoreman
BENSON, Miss Delphia (colored)
BERGER, W. L., wife and child
BERGER, Theodore, wife and child
BERGERON, Mrs. and four children
BERGOYNE, Mrs. Francis and son, Dugle
BERGMAN, Mrs. R. J. and little daughter
BERNARDONI, John, Eighth and I
BETTS, Walter, well known cotton seed product broker, and wife
BETTS, Mrs. Mattie, lost at Giozza residence
BEVERIDGE, Mrs. J. L., and children, 2113 Twenty-eight
BEYER, Mrs. Lindsley, 1109 Broadway
BIERMAN, Frederick, S. and forty-third
BIRD, Mrs. J., and five children
BISBEY, and family
BLACKSON, baby of William
BLAND, Mrs. Florence
BLAND, Mrs. and seven children (colored)
BLAKE, child of F. W., British vice consul, 3206 Avenue Q
BLOCK, son of Charles
BLUM, Isaac, Sarah and Jennie
BLUM, Mrs. Sylvan
BLUM, Mrs. J., Twenty-second and P
BOECKER, John, 2322 P 1/2 , wife and daughters, Mae and Vida
BOEDEKER, Henry C., wife, two children and father; 1819 N
BOEDEKER, H., father, brother and sister-in-law, Thirty-seventh and Q 1/2
BOGEL, Mrs. H., and children, Florence, Marguerite and Alma, Fifty-second P 1/2
BOHN, Dixie
BONNER, Mrs. S., between Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh
BONNEVILLE, Mrs. Antone, and two children
BORDEN, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
BORNKESSEL, T. C., of United States weather bureau, and wife
BOSKE, Mrs. Charles, and two sons
BOSS, Charles
BOSS, Fred (colored)
BOSTON, Mrs. Clara, Eleventh and M
BOTSFORD, Edwin, and wife
BOURDEN, Mrs. L. A., 1422 Strand
BOWE, Mrs., wife of Police Officer John Bowe, and three children
BOWEN, Capt. Charles K., of Half Moon lighthouse (family saved)
BOYD, Andy and four children, on beach
BRADFIELD, Tom, and wife, down the island
BRADLEY, Miss Mamie
BRADLEY, Miss Ethel
BRADFOOT, and wife, seven miles down the island
BRADY, ____, and wife
BRANCH, Allen (colored), Mrs. Eva
BRADFORD, F. H. and family
BRANDIES, Fritz, wife and four children, milkman down the island
BRENTLEY, family
BREY, Miss Mary
BRIGGS, H. L. and family, 712 Mechanic
BRISCAL, Alf, wife and two children
BRITTON, James (colored) Lamaruqe, Texas
BREOCKER, Mr. and Mrs. John P., and two children
BROCKELMAN, three children of J. T.
BROWN, Adolph, wife and two children, S and Forty-third
BROWN, Winnie M.
BROWN, Joe and family
BROWN, Gus, wife and son and two grandchildren, down the island
BROZIS, M. G., wife and child. Thirty-seventh and S
BRUNNER, Albert, longshoreman
BRYAN, Mrs. and Miss Alice of South McAlester, I.T.
BRYAN, Mrs., L. W. and daughter Alice of South McAlester, I.T. at H. C. Ripley's house.
BUCKLEY, mother and father
BUCKLEY, Mrs. S. and daughter
BUCKLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz and two children
BUREN, Marso, wife and five children down the island
BURGE, William, wife and children
BURGE, S. W., and two children, Willie and Ludie; (two other children were saved)
BURKE, Jesse K., Mrs., Thirty-seventh and Q
BURKE, J. G., and wife, Thirty-seventh and Q
BURNES, Mrs. M. E. and daughter, 2617 Strand
BURNS, Marco, wife and four children
BURNS, Mrs. P., and daughter, Mary, Kinkead addition
BURNETT, Mrs. Gary, and two children
BURNETT, Mrs. George, wife of Deputy Clerk Burnett of the United States court, and child, Twenty-fourth and P 1/2
BURNETT, Mrs. mother of Gary and George
BURRELL, Mrs. Gete (colored)
BURRELL, Elvie, and two children (colored)
BURWELL, T. M., 1423 L
BUSCH, Charles, wife and three children
BUTLER, Capt. Green. Thirty-third and Q
BYMAN, Mr. and Mrs. George, and daughter, Mary, Forty-fourth and S 1/2
BYRD, Mrs. J. C. and child
BYRD, the family of Police Officer Byrd
BYRNES ______, wife and sister.
- C -
CADDOU, Mrs. Alex, niece and three children, Claud, Edward and Drouet
CAINE, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas W., rector of colored Episcopal church
CALHOUN, Mrs. Thomas, and three children
CALHOUN, Mrs. Waring
CALLOUM, Antona, wife and four children, down the island
CALVERT, Geo., wife, son and daughter
CARLTON, Charles, wife and boy
CAPERS, ____and wife, lived at southeast corner of Forty-second and S
CAPPS, Charles, wife and four children
CARNETT, ____ and wife, of Orange
CAROLINE, Mrs. Alice and three children
CARREN, Mrs. Eugenie, home for the homeless
CARIBALDI, August and family. Sydnor bayou
CARTER, Corrine, and family
CARTER, Miss Sophie
CARTER, Miss Celeste, eight miles from island
CARTER, Adeline
CARTER, Alf, (colored) down the island
CARTER, Betsy (colored) and daughter, Sophia
CARVEN, wife and daughter
CARSON, Mrs. F. C.
CAROU, Mrs. Jennie
CASEY, Capt. James, and wife of the tug Louise
CASEY, Mrs. Annie
CASTENANE, milkman
**CATHOLIC Orphan Home, ninety people
CATO, William (colored)
CHAFFEE, Mrs. and child
CHAMBERS, Miss. Ada D.
CHELES, William, and wife
CHEEK, Mrs. Mary, and one child
CHENIVERE, Mrs. shell road
CHESTER, Frank, Ellen and Mary (colored)
CHILDS, William and wife
CHILDS, J. T., contractor
CHURCHI, Mrs. Chris, and child; down the island
CHRISTIAN, Paul and wife
CHRISTIANSON, Miss Annie, of Shreveport, who was visiting George Dorian
CLANCY, Pat, wife and five children, down the island
CLANCY, Pat, screwman, wife and three children
CLARK, Cy (colored)
CLARK, Billy, Twenty-sixth and P
CLARKE, Mrs. C. T., and infant
CLAUDE, Joe and Daughter, Emily
CLEAR, William E., Twenty-sixth and P
CLEARY, Mrs. Dan, and five children
CLEARY, Mrs. Leon and one child, Virginia Point
CLEVELAND, Geo. W., wife and six children, Twenty-seventh and Q
CLINE, wife of Dr. I. M. Cline, local forecast official of the United States weather bureau
CLINTON, Mrs. Mary and children, George A., Horace, Lee W., Joseph B., Willie B. and Freddie
CLOSE, J. N., of Chambersville, Texas
CLUPP, Mrs. Charles P., between Twentieth and Twenty-first
COATES, Mrs., wife of William A. Coates of the Galveston News
COBB, August, wife, nephew and mother-in-law
COBB, Mrs. C. L. and child
COBBE, Archie, wife and two children, down the island
CODDARD, Alec, niece, May Bray, and three children; wife and three children safe
COLEMAN, Mandy and child, Effie (colored)
COLLINS, child of Ira, city tax collector
COLTUR, Joseph, longshoreman
COLONGE, Rachel, and four children
COMPTON, J., and family
CONNELL, Charles
CONNELL, C. and family
CONNETT, Mr. and Mrs. William and two children
CONNOLLY, Mrs. Ellen
CONNOR, Edward J.
CONNOR, Capt. D. E.
CONGET, Mrs. (colored) K. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
CONNETT, Charles, wife and children Forty-third and S 1/2
COOK, George
COOK, Arthur
COOK, Irene
COOK, W. Scott, wife and six children, Ashby, Edgar, Walter, Rex, Gertrude and Ella
COOK, William, Broadway, between Tenth and Eleventh
COOK, Ashley and baby
COOK, Henry (colored), 3601 Q 1/2
COOK, Mrs. Ida (colored) Forty-first and avenue U
CORBETT, James J., and four children
CORNELL, Mrs. Peter, two daughters and son (colored)
CORT, Infant of E. L. (colored)
CORNETT, Mrs. Eliza, Forty-first and S
CORNETT, Charles, and wife
CORNETT, Miss Lillie, Kinkead addition
CORYELL, Mrs. and three children
CORYELL, Patti Rose, daughter of J. R. Coryell, Tenth and Winnie
COSTA, A., Virginia Point
COSTLY, Sanders, and wife, and child of Alex Costly (colored)
COWAN, wife and daughter
COWAN, Isabella and daughter, Seventh and Broadway
COWAN _____.
COX, Mrs. J. R., four children and niece, of Malvin, Ark.
CRAIG, George
CRAIN, Maggie McCree
CRAIN, Charles Davis, and wife
CRAIN, Annie M.
CRAMER, Miss Bessie
CRAUSE, J. J. and wife
CRAWFORD, Rayburn, 1624 M 1/2
CRAWLEY, Miss Nellie, Miss M., Lee, Lottie, Lillie, 1815 P
CREDO, Brown
CREDO, child of Anthony
CRISBY, Mrs. Fred, and three children Forty-fifth and Broadway
CROMWELL, Mrs. and three daughters
CUNEY, R. C. (colored)
CUNEY, grandmother of the late Wright Cuney (colored)
CUNEO, Mrs. Joseph, from New Orleans, visiting Mrs. Webber
CURRY, Mrs. Martha J. and Miss Louisa
CURRY, Mrs. E. H., and child
CURTIS, Lulda (colored)
CURTIS, Mrs. J. C., and one child (colored)
CURTIS, Jane, two children and mother-in-law (colored)
CUSHMAN, John Henry, step-son of Oliver Udell
CUSHMAN, Jeanette, Arthur
- D -
DABNEY, ____ mother and sister of Will P. Dabney
DADGET, Mrs. and children
"DAGO JOE" and wife, Kinkead addition
DAHLGREN, A. G., longshoreman
DAILY, William, agent for Charles F. Orthwein & Co., grain exporters and steamship agents
DALEY, Nicholas J.
DAMMILL, W. D., and wife (colored), school principal
DANIELS, Mrs. Ed, three girls, one son and two grandchildren
DARBY, Charles
DARFFE, Mr. and Mrs. and two daughters
DARLEY, John F., wife and daughter Belle
DARRELL,_____, wife and daughter and probably son
DAVENPORT, three children of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Davenport, near Woollam's Lake
DAVIES, John R. and wife
DAVIES, Charles
DAVIS, Gussie
DAVIS, Henry T., Sr. (colored)
DAVIS, Mr. and Mrs. Gabel
DAVIS, Miss Anna N., trained nurse
DAVIS, Mrs. Mary and children, Carrie, Alice, Lizzie and Eddie
DAVIS, Mrs. Robert and child, P 1/2 and Thirty-third
DAVIS, Mrs. Tom Twenty-eighth and Q
DAVIS, Irene, 3507 Q
DAWLES, Mrs. Sam and one child
DAY, Mrs., and daughter, 2327 N
DAY, Mrs. Ellen and daughter. Miss May lived at Twenty-sixth and P 1/2
DAY, Alf
DAY, Willie
DAZET, Mrs. Leon, and child
DEAN, child of R. S.
DEARING, William, wife and four children
DEASON, Mrs. Mary, and son Ed. Jefferson
DEBNER, William, wife and three daughters
DEBOER, P. C., and wife
DECKER, Alphonse, longshoreman
DEERING, John, wife and six children, Forty-third and U
DELAY, Paul, and two daughters
DELANO, Asa P., wife and children
DELANEY, Mrs. Capt. Jack and son, Joe, Seventeenth and N
DELTZ, M., and two sons
DEMESIE, Mrs., and two sons
DEMPSEY, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
DEOYER, Mike and father
DERR, Gus, longshoreman
DEVOTI, Louis, Colorado addition
DEVOTI, Mrs. Julia, and two children
DEVOTI, "Doc," Kinkead addition
DEVOTI, three children of Joe, Heards Lane
DICKINSON, Mrs. Mary and child (colored), Twenty-eight and R
DICKSON, Mrs. Louisa and three children, Eighteenth and P
DINSDALE,____, wife and two children
DINTER, Mrs. and daughter
DIRKE, Henry, and family
DITTMAN, Mrs. F. and son
DIXON, Mrs. Tom, and three children
DONNELL, W. D., wife and one child, a son aged 13 years saved
DONOHUE, Misses Ellen and Mary, of Utica, N.Y.
DOLL, Frank and family
DOLL, George W. and wife. Eliza
DONNELLY, Nick, Twenty-seventh and R
DOOL, Mrs. C. C., Sixteenth and A
DORE, ____, an old Frenchman
DORIAN, George, wife and five children
DORIN, Mrs. Jennie
DORRENE, Mr. and Mrs. and two daughters
DORRIN, Mrs. C. and six children
DORSETT, B., and family of five
DOTTO, Mike, wife and six children
DOTTO, Marco, wife and seven children, his step-daughter was saved
DOTY, Jonathan, P 1/2 and Twenty-fifth
DOWLES, Sam, wife and one child, Thirteenth and Postoffice
DOYLE, James
DREWA. H.A., 1028 M
DUCOS, Leon and two children
DUCOS, Madeline and Octavia, 1712 N
DUANE, Miss Mary Coleman
DUETT, Miss M., old woman's home
DUFARD, A., county bridge keeper
DUFFY, Mrs. (Mrs. W. Jones' sister) down the island
DUMOND, Joseph, and wife, stock yards
DUNHAM, George R., Jr., and two children
DUNANT, Frank, Sr.
DUNHAM, George R., Sr. and wife
DUNKINS, Mrs. Mahaly (colored) Twenty-seventh and P
DUNNIN, Mrs. Howard C., and three children
DUNNING, Richard
DUNTON, Mrs. Adelina
DURRANT, Frank, on Sidney bayou
DUTONIOVICH, John and Pinkey
DYER, J. T., wife and four children
DYKES, Thomas J., Jr. (colored)
- E -
EARLS, Mrs. Lizzie (colored)
EATON, F. B., Forth-fifth, between I and Broadway
EBERG, Mrs. Kate, Kinked addition
EBERHARD, P. and wife
ECKERT, Charles, Thirty-second and Church
ECKERT, Ed., and family. Sydnor bayou
ECKET, William, wife and son
EDWARDS, Mrs. Jane and youngest daughter (colored) R between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth
EDMONDSON, L. E. and wife
EDWARDS, A. R. G., and family
EDWARDS, James, wife and family
EDWARDS, Henry, and five children Kincaide addition
EDWARDS, Miss Eliza
EGGERT, Ed. and family
EGGERT, Will, and family
EGGERT, Fred, and father
EHLERT, Mrs., and two daughters, down the island
EICHLER, Charley
EICHLER, Edward Thirtieth and N 1/2
EISMAN, Paul, wife and baby. M between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
ELLAS, James, wife and two children
ELLIS, Mrs. and family
ELLIS, Mrs. Henrietta (colored). Twenty-eight and R
ELLIS, John, and family of four. Forty-third and T
ELISOR, two children of Captain and Mrs. Will Elisor, one drowned in the mother's arms
ELLO, Joseph, wife and two children
ELSIE, Mrs. John, and two children
ELLSWORTH, John, Sixteenth and N 1/2
ENGELKE, John, wife and child
ENGLEHARDT, Louis, butcher
ENGLEHART, Mrs. Ludwig, 2024 P
ENGLISH, John, wife and child
EPPENDORF, Mr. and Mrs.
EVANS, Mrs. Kate and two children, 3216 O
EVERHART, J. H. and wife
- F -
FABJY, C. S., W. between Sixteenth and Seventeenth
FACHAN, family gone; he is alive
FAGES, Mrs. Frances, down the island
FAGGAN, Frank, Avenue H, between Forty-third and Forty-fourth
FALK, Mrs. Julius, and five children Forty-third and S
FALK, Gustave Forty-third and S
FALK, Mrs. James, Mrs. Edna, Miss Nora and Caleb Ruhlin
FALKE, Joseph, and three children
FALKENHAGEN, George and son
FARMER, Mrs. I. P.
FARRER, Miss Mamie, of Sullivan's Island
FAWCETT, Robert, and wife
FAWCETT, Heards' Lane
FEIGEL, John, Sr. and wife
FEIGEL, John, Jr., and daughter Mabel
FEIGLE, George, and daughter
FEIGEL, Martin
FELSMANN, Richard, blacksmith, wife and five children Forty-sixth and Broadway
FARLEY, Mrs. Thomas P.
FERRELL, Mrs., wife of Rev., and three children
FICKETT, Mrs. Amito and four children
FIGGE, Mrs. and four children
FILHOL, Mrs. Mary, and three children, Offats' bayou
FISHER, Mrs. Kate, three children of, Katie, Jessie and Charley
FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. Walter P., and two children
FISHER, Mrs. Mary A., (colored) Houston
FISHERMEN, about ten Italian-Americans
FLAKE, Fritz, sausage peddler
FLANAGAN, Mrs. Martin and children
FLANIGAN, Miss Lottie
FLASH, Francis
FLASH, Wm. and daughter Twenty-forth and P
FOMAIN, Mrs. and five children
FORD, Ben, a fisherman
FORD, Emma, (colored) Twenty-sixth and P
FORDTRAN, Mrs. Claude G.
FORBUSH, John and Freddie, Kincaide addition
FOREMAN, Webster
FOREMAN, Mrs. Mamie
FORGET, Julius
FOSTER, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, and three children
FOSTER, Mrs. S. F.
FOSTER, Mrs. August
FOULKES, W. M. and Misses Viola and Lena 2620 P 1/2
FOX, Thomas, wife and four children
FRANCIS, Mrs. Maggie, and child, Kinkead addition
FRANCK, Mrs. Augusta
FRANCOIS_____, six members of the family of Francois, a well known waiter, together with sixteen other persons, who took refuge in his house
FRANK, Auton, wife and two daughters
FRANK, Mrs. Anna, Seventeenth and M 1/2
FRANKLIN, George, 1024 Ave. A. is missing
FRANKS, Mrs. and daughter
FRANKOVICH, John and clerk
FRAU, Mrs. August, and daughter
FREDERICKSON, Mrs. and baby
FREDERICKSON, Mrs. C., P 1/2 between Eighteenth and Nineteenth
FREISE, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
FREITAG, Charles, 10 year old son of; father is alive
FREYTAG, Fred, wife and two children 1305 M 1/2
FREITER, Mrs. Fritz
FRETWELL, J. B., Mrs. and boy
FRIEDMAN, ______, wife and son
FRIEDOLF, _______, wife and son
FRIES, and family, Bakers Head Lane
FRITZ, wife and two children an oyster man
FROHNE, Mrs. Charles and two children
FRONTENAC, Michael, longshoreman
FROSTMAN, Mrs. Ed and four children
FRYER, Bessie Belle
FRYER, Mrs. W. H.
FUGER, Frank
FUGH, John
FURMAN, Mrs. (colored) K. between Eleventh and Twelfth
- G -
GABEL, Mr. and Mrs. (colored)
GABRIEL, John and Dodo
GAIRNES, Mrs. Lillie J. and two daughters
GALLISHAW, J. and five children
GALMER, H. H. and wife
GANTH, ______.
GARRIGAN, Jim, down the island
GARRET, Ed, Sixteenth and M.
GARTH, Gussie
GARTH, Nunie
GARTH, Bertha
GARTNER, Joseph, longshoreman
GATH, A. E., and wife
GEHRER, George, wife and children
GEISERT, Richard, wife and daughter, 2423 Q
GENNING, Tim and wife
GENSEN, four children of F., 1718 O
GENTER, Robert, butcher
GENTRY, Charlotte (colored)
GEORGE, Charles and wife
GERNARD, Mrs. John H., and two children
GERLOFF, Mrs. E. G., and child
GERLOFF, Mrs. Mary
GERLOFF, William and wife
GERLOFF, Mrs. Emile, and two children
GERNAND, Viola M., and husband and one child
GIBBS, T. B., wife and four children
GIBSON, Mrs. Daisy (colored)
GIBSON, Prof. and family
GIBSON, Miss Mary C., Forty-first and S
GILBERT, Mrs. Kate (colored) and two children
GILL, Catherine, Sarah and Harry
GILLIS, Dan. Twelfth and M
GIOZZA, Mrs. Amelia, Anthony, Ross, Theodore, Virginia and Julia, lost in collapse of Giozza residence
GIUSTI, Adiace
GLASS, Mrs. Wm. D., and four children
GLUGER, E., wife and four children 4428 Broadway
GLAUSEN, Charles and family of four
GOODWIN, two girls
GOLDBECK, Mrs. and children, except Rhoda. Her home is in San Antonio
GOLDMAN, Theo., Jr., Mrs. Bettieax and William, father, mother and brother of Clarence. R 2515 P 1/2
GOLLMER, H. H., wife and five children
GOMBERT, Andrew Twenty-ninth street and Avenue L
GONZALES, Andrew, wife and daughter, Pauline
GORDON, Sol, two children of.
GORDON, Asker, and baby
GORDON, Mrs. Abe, and three children
GOTTLIEF, Mrs., and children
GOULD, Duell and Charles, children of Thomas George
GRAFT, Mrs. George, and three children
GRAHAM, Mrs. H., and baby, Winnie and Twentieth
GRANT, Mamie E. (colored)
GRANT, Fred H. (colored)
_______ Grace, cook for Mrs. V. C. Hart 1624 M 1/2
GRAUS, wife and two children, down the island
GRAY, H. K., and family
GREEN, Mrs. Lucy
GREENE, E. C., wife and daughter, R 1/2 and Thirty-second
GREGG, ____, and four children
GREVE, Mrs. J., and daughter,Louise
GREVE, Mrs. E. , and daughters, Gertrude and Eveline
GREY, R. L., and five children, Hugh, Cecil, James, Agnes and Lulu
GRIEF, John, wife and three children
GRISOFF, J., wife and two children Twenty-first and P
GROOM, Ed. and wife
GROTHGAR, Mrs. Fred, and four children
GRUETZMACHER, Louise, wife and two daughters
GRUMBERG, Alex, supposed to belong to life saving station
GUEST, Mamie
GULLETT, Col., of Victoria
GUSTASON, Gus, Denver Resurvey
GUY, Henry
GWINN, Mrs. S.
- H -
HAAG, three children of Mrs. Annie Burgess Haag
HAGGANS, George and wife
HAINES, Captain Edward and wife
HAINES, sister of Mrs. Captain
HALL, Mrs. (colored) Fifteenth and N
HALL, Charles, (colored)
HALL, Joe, and family (colored), R. between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth
HALL, Melva and Eldred
HALM, Freda, Thirty-sixth and S 1/2
HANNAMANN, Mrs. August
HANCE, Mrs. Emma and daughter, nine mile post, down the island
HANSEN, Dick, wife and three children
HANSON, J. C. H., longshoreman
HARRAR, Martin and family
HARRIS, Mrs. John, and three children
HARRIS, Mrs. J. H.
HARRIS, Mrs. Jane (colored) Twenty-eight and R
HARRIS, Mrs. Rebecca
HARRIS, Mrs. Kate
HARRIS, Miss Rebecca, 2204 R
HARRIS, Mrs. W. D. and son, Kincaide addition
HARRIS, John wife and two children, a milkman
HARRIS, George, Forty-sixth and Broadway
HARRIS, Robert, wife and one child
HARRIS, Thomas, wife and three children
HARRISON, Tom and wife (colored)
HAROLD, Laura and Lulu; Twenty-seventh and Church
HART, Thomas Leo, son of Mrs. Pauline Hart. Twenty-ninth and T 1/2
HARTMAN, Mrs. A. R., and three children
HARVEY, wife and child, Forty-second and M
HASS, Prof. and wife
HASSLERS, Charles, wife and child
HAUCIS, Mrs., one child, nine miles down the island
HAUGHTON, Willie O., between Seventeenth and Eighteenth
HAUSER, L., and wife
HAUSINGER, H. A., daughter and mother-in-law
HAUSINGER, George 2809 P
HAWKINS, Mary Lee, niece of J. R. Coryell, Tenth and Winnie Streets
HAYES, child of Mrs. Era of Taylor, Texas
HAYMAN, John A., and wife and four children
HAYNES, Miss. L. (colored) servant of D. G. Chinn
HEAR, L. wife and twelve children; down the island
HECKLER, Charles (white), painter
HEFTY, Mr. and Mrs. and five children
HEGMAN, Edward, wife and one daughter and one son
HEIDMAN, William, Jr.
HEINROTH, H., and four children
HEINROTH, Annie, 3610 K
HEIMAN, Anton (ex-alderman), wife and three children
HERMAN, Mrs. and five children
HELFENSTEIN, Jr., John (child)
HELFENSTEIN, Sophie and Willie
HENBACH, Charles F., and son
HENNESSY, Mrs. M. P., and two nieces
HENRY, Isabelle, daughter of Policeman David
HENRY, Nelson, two children of
HENSS, A. and wife
HEER, Leonard, wife and two children
HERMAN, Mrs. and five children
HERMAN, Martin, and two children
HERMANN, W. J., 3714 S 1/2
HERMAN, Mrs. R. M., and child, Heards' Lane, shell road
HERPES, John and A.
HERSEY, Mrs. John
HESRODT, August, Jr., and family 1423 L
HESS, August, and family, Thirty-eighth and P 1/2
HESS, Mrs. Irene, Broadway and Sixth
HESTER, Charles
HEUBACK, Charles, and son
HEUSS, G. A, wife and three children
HEYDOWN, W., and wife, R, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth
HIGH, J. B., and wife
HIGHTOWER, Mrs. J. L., and child, of Dallas
HILL, Mrs. Ben, and child
HILGENBUG. Jacob, wife and baby
HOARER, Martin, wife and son
HOBECK, _____, and boy
HOCH, Mike
HOCK, Mrs., and son
HODGE, George, wife and son (colored)
HODGE, Henrietta, Georgie, James, Gertrude and Clarence
HODGE, Mrs. Williams (colored)
HOFFMAN, Mrs. Pauline, Houston, a nurse
HOFFMAN, H. H ., Twenty-fourth, between Church and Winnie
HOFFMAN, several members of the family of F. H. Hoffman
HOFFMAN, Miss Augusta
HOLBECK, Mrs. L. L., niece of W. N. Shaw and mother of Mrs. W. L. Love
HOLBERT, Mrs. Victoria, Miss Minnie, Walter and Hattie (all colored). Forty-first and U
HOLLAND, (colored) M 1/2 between Fourteenth and Fifteenth
HOLLAND, James H., wife and son Willie, and grandson James Otis
HOLMES, Florence
HOLMES, child of Laura (colored)
HOLMES, Mrs. (colored)
HOMBURG, Peter, wife and four children
HOMBURG, Joe, wife and four children, Kinkead addition
HOMBURG, William, wife and two children
HOOD, Bessie (colored)
HOSKINS, T. D., wife and three children (colored)
HOWE, Adolph, police officer, and wife and five children, Thirtieth and avenue M
HOWELL, Mrs. Addeline
HOWELL, Sydney, longshoreman
HOWKE, Mrs. and four sons
HOWTH, Mrs. Clarence and father
HUBBELL, Misses Maggie and Emma
HUBNER, Edward and Antonette, Twenty-first and P
HUEBENER, Mrs. A., and boy 2621 I
HUGHES, Robert (colored)
HUGHES, Mrs. Mattie
HUGHES, Stuart G.
HUHN, F., a street car motorman
HULL, Charlie (colored) Twenty-eighth and Q 1/2
HUMBURG, Ed., milkman, down the island
HUNTER, George
HUNTER, Mrs. Alice, brother, father and three children
HUME, Stephen (colored)
HURT, Walter, wife two children and two servants
HOSKINS, Mrs. Helen, Twenty-eight and Q 1/2
HUZZA, Charles, wife and five children
HYLENBERG, Jacob, wife and child, N and Seventeenth
HYMAN, Anton
- I -
IOVEY, Mrs. C. (colored) worked at Beach
IRESCO, James, East End
IRWIN, wife and two sisters of Wm.
IRVIN, Joseph, 1918 O 1/2
IRVIN, child of William H.
IWAN, Mrs. A.
- J -
JACK, Mrs. Pearl A.
JACKMAN, Ada and two children
JACKSON, Sarah M. between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh
JACKSON, wife and daughter, Mabel Forty-third and S 1/2
JACKSON, J. W., Mrs. and two children
JACOBS, H. and wife
JAEGER, Mr. and Mrs. and two children. Q 1/2, between Twenty-eight and Twenty-ninth
JAEGER, John and wife
JAEGER, Walter H., O between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth
JAENICKE, Curt, wife and three children, Jessie, Addie, Ida and Johanna, Kincaide addition
JALONICK, Ed, wife and two children all of Dallas
JAMES, and children, Thirty-sixth and R
JASPER, two children of Perry (colored)
JASPERS, Jasper and two children
JAY, J. J.
JAY, son of J. P. , down the island
JAY, William (missing)
JEFFERBROOK, Mr. and Mrs. August
JENNINGS. Mrs. James A.
JENNSSEN, Mr. and Mrs. and five children
JERREL, J., wife and four children and mother-in-law, milkman, down the island
JOHNSON, A, and wife
JOHNSON, Dan (colored), Thirty-eighth and T
JOHNSON, Mrs. Genevive W., and daughter Forty-fifth and K
JOHNSON, R. D., wife and two children
JOHNSON, Peter, wife and five children, milkman down the island
JOHNSON, A. S., (screwman), wife and three children
JOHNSON, Lorand, wife and four children, Forty-third and S.
JOHNSON, Richard (colored)
JOHNSON, Mrs. H. B. and child
JOHNSON, Sydney, child of R. H. Johnson
JOHNSON, Mrs. Ben and two children
JOHNSON, H. P. and J. Kralich, lost off barge James Howard
JOHNSON, Adin, wife and son
JOHNSON, Oakey, wife, child and mother-in-law
JOHNSON, Mrs. C. S. N and Seventeenth
JOHNSON, T. D., longshoreman
JOHNSON, Christopher, lived at 1918 P 1/2
JOHNSTON, Mrs. Alice
JOHNSTON, J. B., wife and two children
JOHNSTON, J. A., and wife, 2814 Winnie
JOHNSTON, Mrs. Clara, wife of Bernard, and two children. Thirty-second and K
JONES, mother and father of J. E. Jones
JONES, Ernest, Fortieth and R 1/2
JONES, Evan, and four children. Fortieth and S 1/2
JONES, Wm., Sr., Fortieth and S 1/2
JONES, Mr. and Mrs., and daughter
JONES, J. H., and wife 3628 Q
JONES, Jackson
JONES, Walker Milliken, wife and two children
JONES, Robert
JONES, Mrs. W. R., and daughter, Mary
JONES, John A., and wife, Twenty-first and P 1/2
JONES, Mrs. Matilda W., and daughter, Mary
JONES, Frank, son of Fred (colored)
JONES, Mrs. W. D. 3020 Q
JONES, Katie (colored) servant of Rev. H. C. Dunham 1021 I.
JONES, Mary, Sarah, Annie and Lizzie
JORDAN, C. A., son of Mrs. E. M. Jordan
JORDAN, Charles
JOUGHIN, Tony, former drummer in immune regiment
JOYCE, Mrs. E., and four children
JUFFS, Ben, wife and four children 1817 O 1/2
JUNEMANN, Charles, wife and daughter
JUNKA, Martha
JUNKER, Mrs. Colina
JUNKER, Mrs. Pauline, Twentieth and N
JUNKER, Myrtle, P 1/2 and Twenty-ninth
JUNKER, William, wife and six children
- K -
KACE, Mrs. John, and four children
KALSER, Louis, wife and three children Forty-third and S 1/2
KAMPE, Charles
KAPER, August, wife and one child Forty-second and S
KARVET, Mrs. Jack, and four children Forty-fifth and K
KAUFMAN, Mrs. Elizabeth
KAUFFMAN, H. wife and children
KEATS, Tom and wife
KEATS, Miss Tillie
KEEFE, Thomas J., wife and daughter
KEETON, J. O., wife and three children
KEHLER, Mrs. Fred, two girls and boy
KEIFER, wife, and daughter
KEIS, L., wife and four children
KEIS, Mrs. John
KEIS, Miss Judie
KELLER, Barney J., wife and four children
KELNER, Charles L., Sr., prominent cotton man
KELLOGG, of Tiechnor's place, and whole family
KELSO, Roy, baby of J.C.
KELSO, Munson, Jr.
KELSY, James
KELLY, Florence and Lilly
KELLY, wife and three children
KELLY, Tom, wife and two children
KELLY, Barney
KELLY, Willie
KELLY, Dan. Sr.
KEMP, John W., Florist, Forty-second and S
KEMP, Mrs. (colored) down the island
KEMP, W. C., and wife
KEMP, Tom and wife
KENNEDY, A., foreman of elevator A, wife and three children
KENNEDY, Benton, wife and three children, Thirty-seventh and R
KENNELLY, Mrs. Annie
KEOGH, Mrs., and three children, Kinkead addition
KEOUGH, John, wife and four children, island
KERPAN, Mr. and Mrs. Paul N between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
KESSLER, Fred and Florence, Forty-fifth and Broadway
KESSNER, August, Lena, Emma and James H. Kinkead addition
KILGORE, Ed, wife and child
KIMLEY, Mrs. John and family
KINDLUND, Newton and Carl
KINDS, Joseph, Nelson, Alma and Loris
KING, Mrs. (colored)
KING, Rosa J., (colored)
KINSFADER, Joe, wife and child
KIRGY, George, Kincaide addition, wife and three children
KIRBY, Mrs. George, and two children
KIRBY, Mrs. J. H., and three children. Mr. Kirby is an employe of the Santa Fe and was not in town
KIRBY, James, section foreman, and three men, Southern Pacific
KISSINGER, Mrs. M. J. and daughter Eleventh and Avenue M
KLEIN, E. C., wife and five children
KLEIN, Mrs. E. V., sister or W. N. Shaw of Houston, and grandmother of Mrs. W. L. Love
KLEIMAN, Joe, wife and child and two workmen, down the island
KLEMAN, Fred, and wife
KLEINCKE, H., and wife and children
KLEINMANN, Henry and wife
KNOWLES, Mrs. W. T., and three children
KOCH, Mrs. Elizabeth, M between Ninth and Tenth
KOCH, Wm., Sr., island
KOEHLER, Mrs. Fred
KOLB, Infant of C. F.
KONSTANTOPOLOS, F. Twenty-fourth and Beach
KOTHE, Wm., Q between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
KOTTE, William C.
KRAUSS, J. J., and wife
KARLICK, J. lost off barge James Howard
KARLICK, A., lost from government barge
KROENER, Wm, Sophie and Florie
KRECKRECEK, Joe, wife and three children
KREIGELL, David and daughter, B.
KUDDER, Ed. and wife
KUHN, Oscar, and wife and children
KUHNA, Mrs. H. Klem, and two children
KUHNELL, Mrs. H. Clem and two daughters, Misses Lillian and Hazel
KUPPER,_____, S between Forty-second and Forty-third
- L -
LABATT, Louisa C., and sister, Nellie E.
LABATT, Joseph A., wife and children
LABATT, H. J., Sr., wife and daughter
LACKEY, Robert
LACKEY, Mrs. Mary, four children and daughter-in-law
LACKEY, Mrs. father and mother
LACKEY, and children, Leon and Pearl
LAFAYETTE, Mrs. and two children
LAMONT, Richard P.
LANAHAN, Laura, Francis, Terrence and Claud, children of John Lanahan Twenty-ninth and Strand
LANDRUM, B, and five children, Bolivar
LANE, F. and family
LANE, Rev., wife and two children
LANG, five children of P.A.
LAPREYRE, James, wife and four sons
LARSON, Charles E.
LARSON, H. and two children
LARSON, Ed., boatkeeper of pilot boat Eclipse
LASHLEY, Mrs. Dave
LASHLEY, Mrs. Sophia
**LASOCCO, Mrs., Ave. P 1/2 and Twenty-first. Mrs. Lasocco kept a grocery store and it is said that about twenty-five persons were in the building when it collapsed, and all were lost.
LAUDERDALE, Mrs. Robert, one son, two daughters and Mrs. Lauderdale's mother.
LAUKHUFF, Genevive
LAUSEN, August and three children, Thirty-ninth and Ave S
LAWSON, Mrs. W. and Miss Oralie
LAWSON, Charles, wife and child
LEAGETT, Mrs. and three children, nine miles on bay shore down the island
LEAGUE, Mrs. and two children
LEASK, Maury, clerk of William Burge, Colorado addition
LEE, Captain and wife, Galveston island bay shore
LEES, Mrs. Elizabeth
LEDTSCH, Theodore
LEGAT, Mrs. Celia, and family of six
LEGATE, Mrs. Pericles, two sons and two daughter
LEGATE, Louis, wife and son
LEGATE, Christian
LEHMAN, Charles and son, Forty-fifth and K
LEIBE, Mrs. Mary A., Church between Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth
LEMERE, Y., and wife
LEMIRE, Joe, and four children
LEIMEYER, Henry, wife and five children
LEMMON, Virgil
LEMONS, Mrs. Celestine (colored) Twenty-eight and R
LENA, Mrs.
LENNARD, Fred, aged 4 years, 4512 K
LENKER, Tommy, grandchild of Angelina Parker
LENZ, August, longshoreman
LEON, _____, and two children
LEONIP, Mrs. and family
LEPEHEAR, J. wife and three children
LESLIE, Miss Gracie
LETTERMAN, W., wife and two children
LETTS, Captain, wife two children and sister, Kinkhead addition
LEVINE, Mrs. P., and family
LEVY, Miss, of Houston
LEVY, Miss Emma, of Victoria
LEVY, Major W. T., wife and three children
LEWIS, Mrs. Agnes (colored)
LEWIS, Miss, Agnes (colored)
LEWIS, Elizabeth, Eighth and Broadway
LEWIS, Mrs. C. A. (colored). Forty-fourth and R
LEWIS, Mrs. J., and six children
LEWIS, Agnes,
LEWIS, Maria
LEWIS, Harris, 2310 Avenue Q
LINDGREN, John, wife and five children (three children saved)
LINDNER, Mrs. Louisa, and five children
LINDQUIST, Mrs. Oscar, and three children
LINDGREN, John, and family
LLOYD, Charles H., wife and one child
LLOYD, "Buck" and wife
LISBONY, Mrs. W. H., W. H., Jr., and Miss Eunice, daughter of C. P. Lisbony
LITTLE, Mrs. J. A., Thirty-sixth and R
LIVINGSTON, Mrs. Frances, Thirty-second and R.
LOASBERG, Miss Maggie
LOCKE, Mrs. Mary
LOCKHART, Mrs. Charles, and two children, Forty-second and S 1/2
LOCKMAN, Henry and wife, 1124 Avenue L
LOCKSTADT, Albert, wife and three children
LONG, two children of Sergeant
LONG, Mrs. A.
LORD, Richard, traffic manager George H. McFadden & Bros., cotton exporters
LOSICO, Mrs. Fillimena, daughter, three grandchildren and son-in-law
LOSSING, Mrs. Horace
LOSSING, Mrs. Sarah A. Fifty-second and S
LOTT, Walter C., wife and two children
LOUIS, Mrs. Maria (colored)
LOUIS, Poland, carrier News
LOVE, R. A., officer
LUCA, Mrs. J., Thirty-eight and I
LUCAS, four children of Mrs. J.
LUCAS, John and two children
LUCAS, Mr. and Mrs. H., two children and white nurse
LUCAS, Mrs. William, and two sons, John, aged 16 years and 9 months, and David Edward, aged 13 years and 9 months, 4428 Avenue K, wife and sons of William Lucas, foreman car repair shop Galveston, Houston and Henderson railway, who was on a vacation in Arkansas at the time of the catastrophe.
LUCAS, two children of Mrs. David 4512 K
LUCKENBELL, B. E., and wife, clerk Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe
LUDEKE, Henry, wife and son
LUDDIE (colored)
LUDWIG, E. A., mother and sister-in-law
LUMBERG, Willie and Lena, down the island
LUMBURGER, Gus, wife and nine children, Forty-third and S 1/2
LUVIS, Mark (colored), wife and two children
LYLE, William W., grandmother and sister
LYNCH, Ed and family, Thirty-third and P
LYNCH, James and wife 2616 Q
LYNCH, Peter, Forty-third and P
- M -
MABSON, Grace, and three children (colored), K between Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth
MACGILL, David , L between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh
MACKEY, Mrs. W. G., and four children (colored), M 1/2 between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
MACLIN, J. D., wife and seven children
MACLIN, W. L., wife and three children, down the island
MADDER, Mr. and Mrs.
MAGNA, two daughters and son
MALES, O. M., wife and child
MANLEY, Mrs., Sr.
MALITZ, Theodore
MALTZBERGER, Tony, and family
MANIER, Miss Fisa
MANLY, Joe, Sr., mother and two nieces of.
MANSFIELD, Caroline, and mother, (colored) Sixteenth between N 1/2 and O
MARCORBURRO, entire family - wife and four children
MARCOTTE, Miss Pauline 4122 P 1/2
MAREE, works with James Faschar
MARLOW, Alexander
MARSHALL, Mrs. Harry K.
MARTIN, Frank, wife and one son
MARTIN, Miss Annie
MARTIN, Jim, and three unknown
MARTIN, Herman, and part of family
MARTYR, Mrs. R., 2419 Q
MARTYR, Edith, Cora and Alfred (missing)
MARRS, Fannie, Twenty-sixth and M 1/2
MASSEY, Mrs. E., and child
MASSEY, Tom, Mollie C., Orrin King, Thirty-fifth and R
MATTHEWS, Harry, missing
MAUDY, Mrs., and daughter (colored), M 1/2 between Sixteenth and Seventeenth
MAUPIN, Joseph, and family, Kinkead addition
MAXWELL, Mary, Twenty-eighth and P 1/2
MAYROCK, wife and five children
MAYSACH, _____, and family
MEAD, James, Twelfth and I
MEALY, Joseph
MEALY, Mrs. John
MEETS, W. H., longshoreman
MEGNA, one child of Mike, Nineteenth and P
MEGNAR, Crocifisso
MELLOR (better known as Miller) Robert, a butcher, and wife, Twenty-seventh and Q
MENARD, Mrs. Mary
MENZELL, John, wife and five children
MERIC, Eugene, wife, child and mother down the island
MESTRY, Charlie (colored)
MEYER, Chris (missing)
MEYER, Henry, and four children
MEYER, Mrs. Joe
MEYER, Tilden, Forty-third and T 1/2
MIDDELEGGE, Ernest, H., wife and three sons, Harry, aged 13, Adolph, aged 10 And Robert, aged 8
MIDDELEGGE, Sophia, mother of Ernest Middelegge
MIDDLEBURGER, George, wife and three children
MIDLEGGE, August, wife and five children
MIGEL, Meyer
MIHAL, Mrs. A., and three children
MILAN, wife and four children
MILLER, Gus, wife and three children, Fifty-eight and Broadway
MILLER, Mrs. Charles, and six children
MILLER, Henry, and family, Sydnor's bayou
MILLER, Frank, oysterman
MILLER, S., and wife
MILLER, William, and wife
MILLER, - A number of persons in the family of B. J. Miller
MILLER, Mrs. (colored), and five children
MILLER, Joe, wife and child
MILLER, Mr., wife and six children Galveston island, bay shore
MILLER, E. O., twenty-one miles down the island
MINNIS, Mrs. W. P. and S. A. Forty-fifth and Broadway
MINOR, Lucian
MITCHELL, Louis B. (Colored)
MITCHELL, Mrs. Annie, and son
MITCHELL, Mrs. C. R., Thirty-ninth and Q 1/2
MITCHELL, Miss Jennie E., Thirty-ninth and Q 1/2
MITCHELL, R. L., Thirty-ninth and Q 1/2
MOFFETT,____, wife and two children
MONOGHAN, Mike , and family
MONOGHAN, John and wife
MONROE, Mrs. (colored), and three children
MONTELEONE, Miss Marie, Hitchcock
MORAN, James, and wife
MOREE, _____, works with Joseph Fachan
MORLEY, D., and wife
MOORE, Mrs. Nathan (colored)
MOORE, Alex, butcher
MOORE, Robert
MOORE, Miss Maggie
MOORE, two children of Pud
MOORE, Mrs. Dock, Sixiteth and Q
MOORE, Cecelia, Loraine, Vera and Mildred, Children of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Moore, Kinkhead addition
MOORE, Estelle (colored)
MOORE, William ("Dock")
MORROW, Mrs., and four children
MORSE, Albert P., linotype machine operator Tribune, wife and three children
MORSEBURGER, Antonio, and wife
MORTON, Hammond, and four children
MOSERGER, _____.
MOTT, Mrs. B. F., Sydnor's bayou
MOTT, Mrs. Frank
MOTTER, Mrs., and two daughters
MULCAHEY, two children
MULETZ, Theodore, wife and daughter
MULHOLLAND, Mrs. Louisa, Old Woman's Home
MULLER, W. P. and wife
MULLER, Henry, wife and child
MULSBURGER, Tony, and wife
MUNDINE, Mrs. Meria E.
MUNKENNELT, Frank, longshoreman
MUNN, Mrs. J. W., Sr.
MURI, Annie and Murine
MURIE, Mrs. Annie, and daughter, Laurine
MUTTI, A., killed in rescue work
MYERS, Mrs. C. J., and one child
MYERS, Willie
MYER, Herman, wife and son Willie
M'AULEY, J. B., and wife
M'CAMISH, R. A., wife and two daughters
M'CANN, Billy, wife and four children
M'CARTY, Leon L. (colored)
M'CAUGHLAR, Irella (colored), Twenty-seventh and P
M'CAULEY, William H., wife and children, Eugene, Annie and Dewey, lost at Giozza residence
M'CAULLEY, J., and wife, Thirty-fourth and P 1/2
M'CULLOUGH, A. Rallar (colored)
M'CLOSKEY, wife and two children of Captain Charles
M'CONELEY, H., and wife
M'CORMICK, Mrs. B. and four children
M'DADE, Ed (colored)
M'DADE, Mrs. E. (colored)
M'DONALD, Jerry, helper Jones' dairy
M'DONALD, Mrs. Mary, and son
M'CUNE, John. Sixth and I
M'EWEN, John H., Jr. Sixth and I
M'EWEN, John, island
M'GRAW, Peter, and wife
M'HALE, John, two children of.
M'KAY, W. J.
M'KENNA - Five members of the P.J. and J.P. McKenna families, Mrs. J.P. McKenna being the only survivor.
M'LEAN, John, bartender
M'MAUS, Mrs. W. H.
M'MILLAN, Mrs. M. J.
M'NEAL, Mrs. James, and child
M'NEILL, M., Miss J. and Miss Ruby 1609 O 1/2
M'NEIL, Hugh, and baby and Miss Jennie McNeil
M'PETERS, Mrs. and two children, Kinkead addition
M'PHERSON, Robert (colored)
M'VAY, Mrs. E. C.
M'VEIGH, Miss Lorena, Forty-fourth and Broadway
M'VEIGH, Mrs. J. M., Forty-fourth and Broadway
M'VEY, Mrs. J. W., and Miss Lorraine
- N -
NAPOLEON, Henry, wife and sister, (colored)
NEAL, a fisherman
NECEY, Conrad, wife and six children Forty-fourth and S
NEILL,_____, and family, down the island
NEIMAN, Charley
NEIMANN, Mrs. and Miss Dora
NEIMEYER, J., and family, farmer
NELSON, Mrs. and daughter
NELSON, John, wife and three children
NELSON, W. H. longshoreman
NEUWILLER, William, wife and three children, Thirty-seventh and Q 1/2
NEWELL, Sydney, longshoreman
NEWTON, Mrs. J. M. and child, Houston
NOKIS, Nettie May, step-daughter of Louis Gruetzmacher
NOLAN, mother and entire family except two of J. B. Nolan, telegraph operator
NOLLEY, Mrs. Sam and four children, Fortieth street and avenue T.
NORTH, and family
NORTH, Miss Archie
NORTON, Mrs. and two children
NORTON, Fred S., wife son and niece, Miss Irene Davis
- O -
OAKLEY, F., shooting gallery man
OATS, Charlotte (colored)
OHLSEN, Mr. and Mrs. O. and Enfield 1718 O
OLDS, Charlotte, wife of Jesse (colored), Thirtieth and N.
OLIVER, ____, and family, missing
OLESON, Otto, longshoreman
OLSEN, Miss Clara
OLSEN, T.H., wife and two children
OLSEN, Mrs. Matilda and two children
OLSEN, O. A., carpenter, wife and three children
OLSON, Steve and Charley
OLSON, Thomas H. and wife
ONE LABORER at Dr. Fry's dairy
OPITZ, Anita
OPPE, Fritz, milkman
OPPERMANN, Marguerite and Gussie
OPPERMAN, Miss May, of Palestine
OPPERMAN, Albert L, and wife, 405 1/2 Twenty-first
ORMOND, five children of George
OSTERMAYER, Henry and wife
OTTERSON, A., and wife, K between Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth
O'CONNOLLY, Miss Mamie
O'DELL, Miss Nellie, daughter of Jas. O'dell of avenue P 1/2 and Twenty-seventh street
O'HARROW, William
O'KEFFE, Mrs. C. J., Twenty-seventh and Q 1/2
O'NEILL, wife and five children, an oysterman, with four hired men
O'NEILL, Lawrence, son of James, Thirty-fourth and P
O'NEILL, James and Frank, sons of James, orphan's home
O'SHAUGHNESSY, Antoinette Pauline, 1514 Mechanic
O'SWAN, Auguste, Thirty-seventh and Q
O'TOLSEE, H. E., longshoreman
- P -
PAETZ, Mrs. Lena, wife of Louis, teamster at mills
PAISLEY, A. H., and wife, 610 1/2 K
PALMER, Mrs. Mae and 6-year-old son Lee 2324 P 1/2
PALMER, Mrs. J. B., and baby
PALMIERI, Salvatore, wife and five children, Hitchcock
PANLEY, Matthew
PARK, Mrs. M. L., and two daughters, Alice and Lucy
PARKER, Mrs. D. and two children
PARKER, Sullivan, wife and three children
PARKER, Miss Mollie
PARKER, Mrs. Frank and two children, avenue Q and Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets
PARKER, Angelina, and grandchild, Tommy Lesker
PARKET, Miss Mollie
PAROBICH, Michael wife and four children, down the island
PAROBICH, John, wife and three children, down the island
PASKALL, Augustine and wife, Madeline, Galveston island
PATRICK, Ida and Cora
PATRICK, Mariah, -- 706 Church
PATRICK, Mrs. Susan (colored), Thirty-ninth and N
PATTER, C. H., and baby
PATTERSON, Florence, Thirty-fifth and Winnie
PATTERSON, Miss S., (colored), of Houston
PATTERSON, H. T., wife and children
PATTERSON, Thompson, carpenter, wife and four children, Third and Beach
PATTON, Thomas (colored)
PAULS, Miss Agnes
PAULS, son and housekeeper of J.
PAULS, Willie and Cecelia
PAULY, Mr. and Mrs.
PAVESIS, J., son, housekeeper and her two children
PAYSEE, Mrs. Henry and two children Leona and Louise
PECO, Leon, wife and four children
PEITZLIN, Rudolph and Robbie
PELINGE, Mrs., and mother
PENNY, Mrs. A., and two sons
PERKINS, Arthur (colored), Thirty-second and Q 1/2
PERKINS, Alfred, wife and grandson (colored)
PERKINS, Lucy (colored)
PERKINS, Lota (colored)
PERKINS, Mrs. L. and two children (colored), 3601 Q 1/2
PERRIER, H., wife and child, Eighteenth, between N 1/2 and O
PERRY, Mrs. H. M. and son, Clayton of Houston
PERRY, Jasper, Jr., wife and two children
PERRY, Mrs. Oliver, colored
PEEK, Capt. R. H., city engineer, and wife and five children
PEETZ, Mrs. Capt. J.J., and eldest and youngest daughters, Twenty-ninth and P 1/2
PETERS, F., and wife Twentieth and P 1/2
PETERS, Robert, Thirty-third and S.
PETERSON, Rudolph (saddler), Thirty-third and S
PETERSON, Charles, wife and two children
PETERSON, Mrs. J., and children
PETERSON, K. G., wife and child
PETERSON, George (soldier), wife and two children, Forty-third and R
PETROE, Leon, wife and child
PETSINGER, Mrs. and mother
PETTINGILL, W.H., and wife and three sons, Walter W., James and Norman (missing), Thirty-third and S.
PHELPS, Ruth and Ruby E.
PIERSON, Mrs. Mary and Alice
PILFORD, W., Mexican Cable Co., and four children, Madge, Willie. Jack and Georgianna, Twenty-fifth and Q
PILTZ, George Sr.
PINER, Mrs. Ella
PINEY, Mrs. (colored)
PINTO, Mrs. Tony, and three children
PISCHOS, Mr. and Mrs., county road
PLATT, Mrs. S., Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh
PLITT, Hermann, Forty-ninth and R.
POLK, Cornelius and Violet (colored)
POLAND, Ed, and sister
POND, Miss Mary
POPULAR, Mr. and Mrs. A., and four children, Agnes, Mamie, Clarence and Tony
POREE, Henry, tailor, Eighteenth and avenue N 1/2
PORETTE, Josephine
POTTHOFF, Charles, wife and five children
POTTER, C. H., and little daughter
POWELL, William and wife, Eva, Forty-sixth and K
POWERS, Mrs. Carrie V. and child
POWERS, Mrs. mother-in-law of Mrs. A. R. G. Edwards
PRAKER, William
PRAKER, J., wife and child
PREUSSNER, Mrs., and three children
PROPHET, Marie (colored)
PROVOST, James, wife and two children, Thirty-sixth and Beach
PRUESMITH, Mrs. F., and three children
PREUSSNER, Heinrich, down the island
PRYOR, Ed., wife and four children, Eighth and L, of St. Joe, Mo.
PTOLEMY, Paul, wife and two children, P 1/2 and Twenty-seventh street
PUESENUTT, Mrs. Fred and three children
PUGLER, Lizzie, M, between Eleventh and Twelfth
- Q -
QUESTED, Mrs. M., and little son and daughter
QUINN, Mrs. Mary and one child
QUINN, Mrs. Thomas, Eighth and L
QUINN, Robert, wife and six children
QUINN, John, engineer, Sixth and H (missing)
QUINN, Mrs. Frank, and son Claude
QUINN, Frank, Tremont and L
QUOWVICH, John, and four others unknown
- R -
RABB, George W., and wife
RADFORD, Mattie E., Claude G. and J. A. (colored)
RADEKER, Mrs. Herman and child
RALEIGH, Miss Minnie, 816 Winnie
RALEIGH, Miss Lelia, 816 Winnie
RANEY, family
RATTISSEAU, A., wife and three children, S, between Forty-first and Forty-second
RATISSEAU, Mrs. W. L., and three children
RATISSEAU, J. B., wife and four children
RATISSEAU, C. A., wife and seven children
RAW, Mr. at Lafitte grove
RAY, Miss Susie
RAY, Henry, wife and two children
RAYBURN, Crawford, 1624 M 1/2
RAYMOND, Mrs., and two children
READER,____, family
REAGAN, Mrs. John J., 420 Center street
REEGAN, H. J., wife and five children Thirty-fifth and S 1/2
REAGAN, John P., and daughter, Mrs. Albert Opperman
REAGAN, Mrs. Patrick, and son
REAGAN, Mike, and mother-in-law
REAMS, Rutter, wife and children, Forty-third and T.
REHUN, William, wife and two children
REEDER,____, and family.
REDELLI, Angelo, wife and four children
REHM, Bill, wife and two children
REIN,______, wife and daughter, Thirty-ninth and R.
REINHART, Agnes and Helen, daughters of John
REYMANENDT, Louis, 2326 Q
REYMANSCOTT, Louis, Q between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth
RHAES, I. F., wife and two children
RHEA, Mrs. and Miss Mamie of Giles county, Tenn
RHINE, John, wife and five children, Thirty-ninth and T.
RHINE, Frank and George, Thirty-ninth, between R and R 1/2
RHONE, Lulu L. (colored)
RHODES, Miss Ella; trained nurse
RHODES, Annie (colored), cook of Mrs. W. T. Sherwood
RHYMES, Mr. Thomas, wife and two Children
RICE, William J., of Galveston News, and daughter, Mildred
RICE, Fisher (colored)
RICHAMDERES, Mrs. Irene, and baby
RICHANDERS, William, wife and baby, M between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
RICHARD, F. L. officer, wife and one child
RICHARDS,_____, officer
RICHARDSON, and family, Forty-fourth and J
RICHARDSON, S. W., and wife, 2304 Q
RICHARDSON, William (colored)
RICHARDSON, William M. 4413 Winnie
RICKIE, Tony, and wife
RIESEL, Mrs. Luia and children, Ray and Edna
RILEY, Mrs. W., and two children
RILEY, Solomon and wife
RIMMELIN, Edward H., and wife, N between Twelfth and Thirteenth
RING, J., proofreader Galveston News, and two children
RISER, Henry, wife and three children
RITTER, Mrs. William, Center and P
RITHCIE, Miss Helena A., Sixth and I
RIZZO, Dormice
ROACH, Annie
ROACH, watchman
ROBBINS, Mrs. H. B., of Smith's Point
ROBERTS, Herbert M., yard clerk Galveston, Houston and Northern Railroad
ROBERTS, J. T., wife and two daughters
ROCHFORD, Ben, and wife, Eleventh and A
ROCKFORD, Wm., and wife, Twelfth and O
ROEMER, C. G., and wife, Tenth and L
ROEMER, Elizabeth, wife of A.C.
ROELTER, A. J., wife and two children
ROEHM, William, wife and two children
ROGERS, Blanch Donald, niece of D. B.
ROHL, wife and five children
ROHN, Annie (colored)
ROLL, Mrs. and four children
ROLL, J. F., wife and four children
ROPER, Mrs. Eliza (colored)
ROSE, Mrs. Franklin
ROSE, C. M., 1628 N
ROSE, H., and wife
ROSE, Mrs. baby of.
ROSELLI, Angelica
ROSELLI, Josephine
ROSELLI, Francis
ROSEN, Mr., wife and four children two miles down the island
ROSENBERG, and baby
ROSI, G., and two children
ROSIN, Hermann, wife and five children, Hermann, Willie, John, Fritz and Henry
ROSS, 9 year old child of Mrs. Ross of Houston
ROSSALLE, B., wife and three children
ROSSE, Mrs. L., and three children, Nineteenth and P
ROSSLAN, John, and wife, down the island
ROSSLAN, five brothers, down the island
ROTH, Mrs. Kate, and three children
ROTTER, A. J., wife and two children
ROWAN, Mrs. wife of Police Officer John, and three children
ROWE, Mrs. and three children
ROWE, Hattie (colored)
ROWE, Ada (colored)
ROWE, George (colored)
RUCE, Ida (colored)
RUDDER, Robert, wife and four children, Forty-third and T.
RUDGER, C., wife and child
RUDIREKER, and three women
RUENBUHL, Johnnie, lost at Lamarque
RUEHRMOND, Prof., wife and two children
RUHLIN, Caleb (Listed with FALK, Mrs. James)
RUHTER, Frank, Mrs. K., Leon. Albert, O 1/2 between twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
RUHTER, Albert, and wife, Twenty-fifth and avenue P 1/2
RUMMELIN, Ed and John
RUNTER, A., mother and father
RUST, Henry, and three children, Twenty-ninth and P 1/2
RUTHER, Robert, wife and six children, Forty-third and T
RUTEER, H., wife and five children
RAYALLS, ____, four
RYALS, Charles, four children of, Myrtle, Wesley, Harry, and Mabel
RYAN, Mike, wife and four children, and three nieces
RYAN, Mrs. Mary, Kinkead addition
RYAN, Joseph E., wife and child of, Kinkead addition
RYMAN, George, wife and daughter 4405 S 1/2
- S -
SANSOR, Ernest, longshoreman
SARME, Mrs. George. 4513 K, between Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth streets
SARGENT, Thomas, Arthur and Alice 1315 M 1/2
SAWYER, Dr. J. R., 1919 P
SAWYER, Mrs. Robert L., and three children
SCARBOROUGH, Harry, a fisherman
SCHARF, Mrs. and three children
SCHELLER, Mrs. Charles, and four children
SCHEIRHOLZ, W., wife and five children
SCHMIDT, Mrs. F., and son, Richard, P 1/2 between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh
SCHMIDT, Richard, Hoo Hoo Planing Mill
SCHILKE, Mrs. Julius and two children, August and Albert
SCHEIDER, J. F., wife and six children, milkman down the island
SCHNEIDER, Henry and family
SCHOLEA, Richard, wife, son Frank, and his adopted daughter, Tilda Meyer, Forty-third and T 1/2
SCHOCK, ____, and wife
SCHOOLFIELD,_____, (colored)
SCHROEDER, Henry, wife and five children of
SCHROEDER, Mrs. George M., and four children
SCHRODER, Mrs. Lottie A.
SCULL, Mrs. Mary
SCHULER, A. wife and five children
SCHUTTE, R., wife and two children
SCHULTER, Mr. and Mrs. Charley, and five children
SCHULTZ, Mr. and Mrs.
SCHULTZ, Charles C.
SCHULTZ, Fred and wife
SCHWOBEL, George, wife and daughter
SCHWARTZ, Marie, Maggie and Willie, Twenty-fourth, avenue R and Beach
SCHWARZBAACH, 4-year-old child of Theo
SCOFIELD, Mrs. Ida (lost in Magna's store)
SCOVILLO, Mrs. Ida (colored)
SCOTT, Annie
SCOTT, Hugh (colored). R between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth
SEALS, Wallace D. (colored)
SEALS, Sarah N. (colored)
SEDGWICK, child of
SEGERS, and family
SEIBEL, Fred, Sr.
SEIBEL, Mrs. Julius
SEIBEL, Lizzie
SEIBEL, Mrs. Jacob and son, Julius
SEIBLE, O. J., Jr.
SENOTT, Maggie
SEVERT, John and wife
SEVERAL, J. and wife
SEIXAS, Miss Lucille
SEILAS, Cecelia
SEIXAS, Mrs. C. S.
SHAPER, Henry, wife and two sons, milkman down the island
SHARP, Miss Annie
SHARP, Mr. and Mrs.
SHAW, Nephew of M. W. Shaw
SHAW, Frank
SHELAREY, Leon, son and daughter (colored)
SHEPARD, Mrs. T. W. and Baby
SHERMAN, Albert (butcher, better known as "Yammer")
SHERWOOD, Thomas, wife and two of three children
SHIKE, Mrs., son and infant
SHOOK, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Jr.
SIEDENSTUCKER, John, Fourteenth and L
SINNE, John, Lizzie and one child, Forty-first and Broadway
SINNETT, Maggie and Eddie, Twenty-seventh and Q
SKARKE, Charles F. son of Charles J. Skarke, in Catholic's orphan's home.
SKARKE, Chas. F., son of Chas. J.
SKELTON, Mrs. Emma, and two children
SLITTER, J. M., longshoreman
SLAUGHTER, Philip (colored)
SLAYTON, MRS. Carrie B. (colored)
SMITH, E.P., wife and four children
SMITH, Mrs. Mamie
SMITH, Sam (colored), of Olympia theater.
SMITH, Jacob
SMITH, Mrs. and baby (colored)
SMITH, Wiley, wife and child (colored)
SMITH, Mrs. Mary
SMITH, Charles L.
SMITH, Prof. F.C., wife and five children
SMITH, Mrs., and two children, near county bridge
SMITH, R. W., ticket agent Hot Springs Ark., wife and four children, visiting Cox family
SMITH, Gertrude
SMITH, Stella, working for Mrs. C. H. Hughes
SMITH, Sallie (colored), cook for Dr. Perkins
SNIPE, Calvin and daughter
SOLOMON, Mrs. Julius
SOLOMON, Frank, and family of six
SOMMER, Joe, wife and child
SOMERVILLE, S B., and wife (colored)
SOMMERS, Ferdinand, wife and three daughters, son, Joseph, wife and child
SORLEY, W. B. 1717 Church
SOUTHWICK, Mrs. Sanford
SPAETER, Mrs. Fredricks
SPALDING, Joseph, Sydnor's bayou
SPANISH SAILOR, Steamship Telesfora
SPECK, Captain
SPENCER, Stanley, G., local representative of W. W. Wilson, agent Elder, Dempster & Co's steamship lines and North German Lloyd steamship lines
STACKER, Mrs. Sophie
STACKER, Miss Alfreda
STACKPOLE, Dr. and family
STANFORD, Mrs. Emma, Twentieth and P 1/2
STAWINSKY, Mr. and Mrs. William
STAYTON, Mrs. Carrie B. (colored)
STEAGER, J., and wife and two children
STEDING,_____, wife and children (seven in family)
STEEB, Julius, wife and two children
STEMBRINK, Frederick W., and three children, lived at 4209 S.
STENZEL, wife and three children
STERHOLTZ, W., and wife
STETGEL, Mr. and all of his family
STEVENS, Frankie, Leo, Jerald and Edward, sons of T. J.
STEWART, Miss Lester
STEWART, Mrs. Lester
STEWART, Capt. P., and family
STEWART, Robert C.
STICHCLOCK, Miss Mabel, Mechanic street
STIGLITZ, Miss Mamie
STILLMAN, Robert, wife and child, down the island
STOCKFLETH, Mrs. Peter, and children, Willie, Julius, Fred, Mabel and Johnnie
STOUSLAND, Joe, longshoreman
STRABO, Nick, and family, except one.
STRUNK, William, wife and six children, Thirty-fourth and R
STUB, Julius, wife and two children
STUDLEY, Mrs. and two children, Fortieth and R
SUDDEN, Clara (colored)
SUGAR, Mrs. Annie, and two children
SULLIVAN, Mrs. J. A., and son, Thirty-second and Q 1/2
SULLIVAN, Mrs. Martha, and child R, between Thirty-first and Thirty-second
SUMMERS, Miss Sarah, of Cadiz, Ky
SUMMERS, Mrs. M. S., 1912 K
SWAIN, Richard D.
SWAN, George, wife and four children
SWANSON, Mrs. wife of Policeman martin
SWARTBACH, child of A.
SWEIGEL, George, mother and sister
SWENSON, Mrs. Mary K
SWICKEL, mother and three sisters of John
SYMMS, two children of H. G.
- T -
TARPEY, Joseph
TAYER, Verma and M. C., Thirty-second and L 1/2
TAYLOR, Mrs. (colored)
TAYLOR, Mrs. J. W.
TENBUSCH, George and John
TENCH, Mrs. C.
THOMAS, Pat, and eight children T thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh
THOMPSEN, Mrs. W. B. and two children
THOMPSON,____, wife and three children
THOMPSON, wife and four children
THOMPSON, mother-in-law and sister-in-law of Billy Thompson of fire department
THURMAN, Mrs. (colored)
TIAN, Mrs. Clement, and three children
TICKEL, H. J., wife and two children
TICKLE, Mrs. James, Sr.
TILLEBACH, Mrs. Charles, and two children
TILSMAN, Robert, wife and five children 46 Broadway
TORR, T. C., wife and five children
TOVERA, Sam, policeman, wife and four children
TOZEN, Mrs. G. M., Miss Bema
TRAHAN, Mrs. H. V., and child
TRAVERS, Mrs. H. C., and son Sheldon
TREADWELL, Mrs. J. B., and infant
TREBOSIUS, wife of George Trebosius of the Galveston News, and two sisters of Mr. Trebosius
TRICKHAUSEN, Mrs. and old lady
TRIPO, Bosick
TROSTMAN, Mrs. E. and three children
TUCKER, Mr. and Mrs. and one child
TUCKETT, Walter Bruce, wife and children
TURNER, Mrs. K., and little girl
TURNER, Mr. and Mrs.
TURNER, Angeline (colored)
- U -
UDELL, Oliver, wife and child, Forty-fifth and U.
UIL, Mrs. Chris and four children
ULTT, Marv. Of Houston Forty-fifth and K
ULDRIDGE, Adelaide (colored)
ULRIDGE, Val, wife and six children
UNGER, E., wife and four children
UNDERHILL, carpenter, and wife, two weeks from El Paso, formerly from Michigan
- V -
VALETON, Mrs. and Miss Marie, lost at Giozza residence
VAMEY, Mrs. B. (colored)
VAN, Miss Mary, Eleventh and Mechanic streets
VAN BUREN, Herman, wife and three children
VAN LIEW, Mollie
VARNELL, Jim, wife and six children, Kinkead addition
VASSENROOT, Edward, wife and two children
VAUGHN, Miss May, Eleventh and Mechanic
VAUGHT, Edna, child of W. J. Vaught
VELLN, Mrs. H.
VILLENEUVE, Mrs. and child, of Hitchcock
VINING, Mrs. Annie and four children (colored)
VINNIE, Miss Annie (colored)
VISCO, Franovich
VISCOVITCH, Magdelena, daughter of Mrs. Velda Viscovith, N 1/2 and Seventeenth
VITOCITCH, John and family
VITORETTA, Mrs. N. L. , Twenty-seventh and P 1/2
VOGEL, Mrs. Henry and three children
VOGEL, Mrs. and daughter, Bertha, Twenty-seventh and P
VONENBADEN, twenty-three members of family reported lost
VULETUCH, Andrew, wife and daughter, down the island
- W -
WADE, Mrs. Hillie (colored), Forty-eighth and G
WADE, Hettie, and husband (colored)
WAGNER, and wife, farmer
WAKELEE, Mrs. David
WALDEN, Sam, son of H. W. (colored)
WALLACE, Dee and four children
WALLACE, and wife (Mud bridge)
WALLACE, Scott and Earl
WALLIS, Lee, wife and mother, four children and a little orphan girl who formerly lived at Palestine
WALSH, James M. and wife
WALKER, Joe, Thirty-fifth and R.
WALKER, Louis D., Thirty-ninth and R.
WALKER, L. D., stepson of W. J. Hughes
WALKER, Mrs. H. V.
WALTER, Mrs. Charles and three children
WALTERS, Gus, 3602 Q 1/2
WALTERS, F. A., wife and four children
WALSH, Joseph, wife and child
WARING. Mrs. (colored)
WARNER, Mrs. Flora
WARNER, Mrs. A. S.
WARRAH, Martin
WARRAH, Martha
WARREN, Mrs. Flora
WARREN, James and wife and six children
WARNKE, A. W., wife and five children
WARWARVOSKY, Adolph, mother and sister, all reported missing
WASHINGTON, John, and five children
WATERS, three nephews of James
WATKINS, Mrs. F. Stanley, Arthur, Berna, Thirty-second and O 1/2
WATKINS, child of P.
WATSON, J. G., Mrs., and two children
WAXMAUTH, Frank Forty-third and T
WEBER, Mrs. Anna
WEBER, Mrs. Charles T.
WEBER, W. J., wife and two children
WEBER, Mr. F., and family
WEBSTER, George and Joe
WEBSTER, Tom, Sr., assistant chief grain inspector of the port, and family of four
WEBSTER, Edward and family
WEDEMEYER, Chas., wife and six children, S and Thirty-third
WEDEMEYER, Carson, C and Thirty-first
WEEDER, L., wife and six children, Denver Resurvey
WEGER, Judge, justice of the peace, and wife
WEGNER, Fritz, and wife
WEIDEMAN, F. W. and wife
WEINBERG, Otto, wife and five children
WEISER, Paul, wife and mother, K between Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth
WEIS, Prof
WEISS, Oscar, wife and five children
WEIER, Judge, and wife
WEIT, Mr. and three children
WELSH, Theophiel, in charge of race track
WELCHE, Mrs. John
WEMBERG, O. M., wife and five children
WENMAN, Mrs. John C., and two children
WENSMORE FAMILY, seven members residing in the East End
WESTAWAY, Mrs. George
WEIHAUSEN, Mrs. Minnie, 3413 P 1/2
WHARTON, _____
WHITE, Willie
WHITE, family of Walter, captain of Silver Cloud
WHITE, James, wife and baby
WHITE, (son-in-law of Anderson) and family, down the island
WICKE, Lena, Mrs., Twenty-eighth and Q 1/2
WIEDE, Mrs. Augusta, and five children
WILCOX, child of
WILDE, Mrs. and Miss Freeda
WILEK, C.O., wife and child
WILKERSON, George, wife and son, Thirty-seventh and R.
WILLIFRED, Mrs. Elmira, mother-in-law of Louis Gruetzmacher
WILLIAMS, father of Francis (colored)
WILLIAMS, John, Fortieth and R 1/2
WILLIAMS, Ed ("Crow")
WILLIAMS, Rosanna (colored)
WILLIAMS, Miss Sara, of Cedar Bayou
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Frank, and child
WILLIAMS, father of Francis
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Frank, and child
WILLIAMS, Sam (colored)
WILLIAMS, Bob (colored)
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Mary, Twenty-ninth and L
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Adeline (colored)
WILLIAMS, Mrs. Ceclie (colored)
WILLIAMS, Caesar (colored), Forty-fifth and P
WILLIAMS, Mrs. E. C. (colored)
WILLIAMSON, W., longshoreman
WILKS_____, and wife
WILLIS, Ester and Sarahan, son (colored) Thirty-fifth and Church
WILSON, Maryan and baby
WILSON, Mrs. Julia Ann (colored), 2617 Avenue P
WILSON, Bertha (colored)
WINBERG, Mrs. F and Fritz
WINMORE, James, wife and two children
WISRODT, August, Jr., and wife and two children
WITT, C. F., wife and two children
WOLTERS, F. A., wife and child, Thirty-sixth and Q 1/2
WOOD, William (colored)
WOOD, Mrs. Caroline, and two daughters, Mary and Katie
WOOD, Edie and Burley (colored)
WOOD, Mrs. R. N., between Fourteenth and Fifteenth (colored)
WOOD, mother of Deputy United States Marshal Wood
WOODMANNIE, Miss of Joliet, Ill
WOODROW, Matilda
WOODS, Miss, of Joliet, Ill
WOODS, Julia, and son Frank (colored)
WOODWARD, E. G., Sr., son E. G. Jr. 1022 M
WOODWARD, Miss Hattie
WOODWARD, Mrs., wife of R. L. Woodward of the Galveston News, and two children
WOLF, Mrs. L., and Carrie Wolf
WOOLLAM, Joe, Annie, Guy and Lens, children of Mr. James Woolam
WOOLLAM, C., and wife Lilly, and their three children, Maggie, Harie and Alfred
WOOTEN, Mrs. Georgie, Maud, May, Bobie, Forty-fifth, between Broadway and I.
WORRAL, wife and child
WRIGHT, Jennie, T. and Lulu, 4009 K
WRIGHT, Louise and Johnnie
WUCHNACH, M., wife and two children
WURZLOW, Mrs. Annie, Twenty-sixth and Q
WYNN, Mrs. and grandchild
- Y -
YEAGER, William
YEATES, child of C. K.
YOUENS, Henry George
YOUENS, Lillie
YOUNG, Ferdinand
YOUNG, Francis
YOUNG, Mrs. G. W. (at La Marque)
YOUNG, daughter of G. W. (at La Marque)
YOUNG, daughter of G. W. (at La Marque)
YOUNG, son of G. W. (at La Marque)
YOUNG, Mrs. Paul (at La Marque)
YOUNG, Mrs. W. G. (at Hitchcock)
YOUNG, child of W. G. (at Hitchcock)
YOUNG, child of W. G. (at Hitchcock)
YOUNG, child of W. G. (at Hitchcock)
YOUNG, child of W. G. (at Hitchcock)
YOUNGBLOOD, Luther J. (1601--35th)
YOUNGBLOOD, Mrs. Luther J.
YOUNGBLOOD, child of Luther J.
YOUNGER, Evalina
YOUNGER, child of Evalina
YOUNGER, child of Evalina
- Z -
ZEIGLER, Mrs. Fred
ZENKE, August
ZENKE, Johanna
ZENKE, Richard C.
ZENO, Louis (at La Marque)
ZICKLER, Mrs. R. Frederick
ZICKLER, child of R. Frederick
ZICKLER, child of R. Frederick
ZIPP, Mrs.
ZIPP, daughter of Mrs.
ZIPPEEI, J. M. (38th Street between Avenues S & S ½)
ZIPPEEI, child of J. M.
ZIPPEEI, child of J. M.
ZIPPEEI, child of J. M.
ZIPPEEI, child of J. M.
ZIPPEEI, child of J. M.
ZOLLERN, A. (at Dickinson)
ZUMBURG, Gus (43rd & Avenue S ½)
ZUMBURG, child of Gus -- one child of six saved
ZUMBURG, child of Gus
ZUMBURG, child of Gus
ZUMBURG, child of Gus
ZUMBURG, child of Gus
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZURPANIN, child of N.
ZWANZIG, Adolph Sr. (NW corner 57th & Market)
ZWANZIG, daughter of Adolph
ZWANZIG, daughter of Adolph
ZWANZIG, daughter of Adolph
ZWANZIG, Richard
ZWEIGEL, daughter of Mrs.
ZWEIGEL, daughter of Mrs.
- Unknown Victims -
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown person who took refuge in Francois house
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown fisherman, Italian-American
Unknown last name, Grace, cook for Mrs. V. C. Hart, 1624 Avenue M
Unknown man from Southern Pacific
Unknown man from Southern Pacific
Unknown man from Southern Pacific
Workman with Joe Kleiman down the island
Workman with Joe Kleiman down the island
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown person in Losico's grocery store 21st & Ave P½
Unknown white nurse listed with Mr. H. Lucas family
Unknown man with Jim Martin
Unknown man with Jim Martin
Unknown man with Jim Martin
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
Unknown woman or child with Nolley family at 40th & Ave T
One laborer at Dr. Fry's dairy
Hired man for O'Neill's oyster farm
Hired man for O'Neill's oyster farm
Hired man for O'Neill's oyster farm
Hired man for O'Neill's oyster farm
Spanish sailor from steamship Telesfora
Unknown child at Angleton, Texas
Unknown child at Angleton, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Convict near Brazoria, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown person report from Arcola, Texas
Unknown man found about six miles from Dickinson
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Richmond, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Sandy Point, Texas
Unknown man lost at Seabrook, Texas
Unknown man lost at Seabrook, Texas
Unknown man lost at Virginia Point
Unknown man lost at Virginia Point
Unknown man lost at Virginia Point
Unknown woman lost at Virginia Point
Unknown woman lost at Virginia Point
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown section workmen at Virginia Point with Kirby
Unknown man lost at Velasco, Texas
Unknown man lost at Velasco, Texas
Unknown man lost at Velasco, Texas
Unknown white man
Unknown white man
Unknown white man
Unknown white child
Unknown white boy
Unknown child
Unknown body
Unknown body
Unknown body
Unknown body
Unknown white boy, about 6 yrs. old
Unknown child
Unknown man
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown person
Unknown victims (1902, June)
Unknown victims (1902, June)
Unknown victims (1902, June)