What's New
Mar 2025Added Sugg infants to the San Leon Cemetery.
Sep 2024
I've added a new resource entitled Yellow Fever. This horrific plague visited both the Gulf Coast and the East Coast quite frequently in the 18th and 19th centuries and caused the deaths of (estimated) 100,000-150,000 people. If you're missing a family along the coast, don't forget to consider this disease.
Sep 2023
Galveston County Genealogical Society has voted to dissolve its organization. I've tried to remove all mention of them beyond the announcement.
Jan 2022
Added 36 names to the Texas City Disaster Memorial - thanks again, Shana!
Feb 2021
Added a historical list of post offices (see addresses).
Feb 2020
I don't know how I missed this but FamilySearch.org has a new project that started last year - Reclaiming Our African Roots.
I really liked this background picture; hope you do, too.
I've tinkered with the site design to make the Freefind Site Map more useable and added several new pages linking to some of the content in the Archives.
Jan 2020
Added an obituary page and a recent burial notice for a Marine lost in WWII.
Carol submitted postcards of the Texas City Disaster. I've added one to the Texas City Memorial page (in Cemeteries) and will add more to the Postcard site at TXGenWeb.
Jul 2019
I've added Wern Cemetery to our list and to our map.
Mar 2019
Carol Gibbs sent photos of some Texas City students in the late 40s. (see schools)
Jan 2019
I've added an index for marriages 1871-1880, a military page and a book list.
Nov 2018
I believe I have all the cemetery photos uploaded and links corrected but I'm still checking them.
I was able to get a copy of the old site so I now have the cemetery photos on my computer (and on my backup drive) and will be making changes to those links over the next few weeks.
Oct 2018
I've started adding pages for cemeteries (each cemetery has its own page with information even if I don't have a catalog). I've also started uploading the existing photos I'm taking off the old site.
I have added an extra page for vital record links.
I've added a cemetery map.
I've added an index for marriages 1851-1860.
I've added an index for marriages 1861-1870.
Sep 2018
I've added an index for marriages before 1851. The old site is available again but I still don't have login access, it'll be slow-going retrieving each item one at a time.
Apr 2018
I've redecorated again. Ancestry still hasn't returned access to our websites. I've added a family page to the site with links to family group sheets for Galveston County.
Feb 2018
The site has changed coordinators and has gotten new decor since I can't actually access it on Rootsweb at this time. Most of the information is still here and I hope to recover more in the future.